Wednesday 28 October 2009

Naja Conrad-Hansen

Naja Conrad-Hanson is a designer and artist whose practice includes illustration, painting, graphic design and much more. She also designs print and pattern for clothing labels including her own brand Meannorth. Like Jayne Helliwell, Conrad-Hanson is hands on with her work and also uses dialogue in some pieces. In some ways Conrad-Hanson is more extreme in her illustrations, more colour, etc, and her influences stem mainly from fashion. However, she is also influenced from hardcore music and general observing the world around her similar to Helliwell in her works for music based clients and Oxfam. Conrad-Hansen’s work has appeared in fashion/graphic magazines and books and she has also worked on projects such as clothing brand Max Mara and a children’s book.

One piece of work that I feel is similar to Helliwell’s piece ‘Idturts’ is the work below. Both images give off a surreal dark feel and look as if collaged with photo and illustration. Conrad-Hansen’s piece has more illustrative depth with more going on visually in the image but both of them work well as an image with a written statement.

The illustrations printed on clothing are my favourite and I would love to have them in my wardrobe. Hansen also does textile pieces, which show she is a skilled hands on designer. It is clear by looking at her work that she concentrates a lot on feminine beauty and figures. Each illustration has great depth when looking up close, such as almost hidden shapes, colours and text. All works range from masses of bright colour and different used media to just black and white, each as exciting as the next.

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