Wednesday 28 October 2009

Linzie Hunter

Linzie Hunter is a freelance illustrator who works mainly digitally but also works in book binding and printmaking. Her main area of work is lettering and when making images lettering is normally included. Like 44 Flavours, Hunter’s letters are also individually illustrative and have a fun and child like feel to them. The letters in 44 Flavours’ work for Top Dollar are like a lot of the lettering that Hunter does. Her illustrations are full of colour and have a particular narrative to them.

Hunter has done work for many publications and magazines including The Guardian, Penguin Books, More Magazine and Little Brown for young readers. She has also worked in promotion for the shaving brand Gillette, Sainsbury’s Magazine and Orange.

Hunter did a series of illustrations for The Guardian that are like a step to step on how to behave when at work, each title beginning with ‘How to....’. These are not actually seen as the politically correct way to behave but are seen more as comical versions. The use of the drawn characters adds to the light heartedness of the context.

My favourite work is Hunters lettering which is beautifully decorative and colourful. She uses mixed media which adds to the playful theme throughout her work. Her font is also included in tourist maps for publication such as Los Angeles Magazine. These are not typical route maps but instead use little illustrations and curvy dashed lines for a more friendly approach.

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