Wednesday 28 October 2009

44 Flavours

Sebastian Bagge and Julio Rolle both studied Graphic Design and started to work together, eventually launching 44 Flavours Magazine in 2003. 44 Flavours focus on graphic design and organising art shows as well as publishing the magazine. The magazine includes graphic artworks, photography and music from all over the world. The main influences of the designers behind 44 Flavours are graffiti and street culture. 44 Flavours’ interests range from the BMX and skateboard scene to typography and graphic design. All these influences combined are used to create colourful and passionate designs that are featured on skateboards, magazine, record sleeves, etc.

Like Naja Conrad-Hansen, 44 Flavours have used their own style of illustration and print that is then featured on clothing and magazines. Although their influences are different their style of using different materials to create illustrative images shows similarities.

44 Flavours have also done work for the fashion label Flowerdrum. The femininity in the flat, coloured shapes shows similarity to Conrad-Hansen’s work.

The work for clothing brand Top Dollar is a set of texts made up of the same or individual illustrative letters in various colours. On one of the images each letter has its own colour, pattern, and background. These are then featured on T-shirts for the brand. This has a really fun feel to it and the influence of graffiti really shows.

Most of the font used in 44 Flavours’ work looks as if drawn freehand and many of the letters in one set text are different like in Top Dollar. This influence of street culture is featured in all of their work giving them an urban edgy style.

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